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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Governor Information

  • Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

    We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

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  • Governors

    Composition of Governing Body:  3 Parent Governors, 6 Appointed Governors, 2 Staff. Total of 11 (Including the Headteacher). All of our Governors can be contacted via the school office.


    Chris Fayers (Chair)

    Parent Governor


    Angela Serjeant

    Foundation Governor


    Dawn Foley

    Foundation Governor

    Vice Chair

    Sonia McKenna

    Foundation Governor


    Emma Andrews

    LA Governor


    Suzanne Russell

    Foundation Governor


    Julie Marsh

    Parent Governor


    Veronica Morin-Quintal

    Foundation Governor


    Jo Kingston

    Staff Governor


    Claire Eke

    Staff Governor


    Joanna Krzysiek

    Parent Governor


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  • EditDelete
    Governors Committees
    Monitoring Standards and Curriculum   Ethos and Pastoral
    Jo Kingston   Jo Kingston
    Chris Fayers   Chris Fayers
    Dawn Foley   Dawn Foley
    Sonia McKenna   Sonia McKenna (Chair)
    Angela Serjeant (Chair)   Asia Krzysiek
    Emma Andrews   Angela Serjeant
    Asia Krzysiek   Emma Andrews
    Claire Eke (Staff Gov)    
    Premises, Health and Safety    Staffing and Finance
    Jo Kingston   Jo Kingston
    Chris Fayers   Chris Fayers
    Julie Marsh   Julie Marsh (Chair)
    Veronica Morin-Quintal (Chair)   Veronica Morin-Quintal
    Suzanne Russell   Suzanne Russell
    Vacancy   Vacancy