Welcome to Year 3
Class teacher: Miss Fairbairn
Hello and welcome to the Y3 class page, here you will find useful information relating to the class and your child's learning.
Class Information
PE Days - Wednesday and Friday - Please can the children come in wearing their PE Kits.
Homework, Spellings and Tables - This will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. They will be tested on their spellings and times tables each Friday.
Reading - Please read with your child as often as possible. I encourage reading and re-reading the books that are sent home as this will really help develop the children's fluency and understanding. Children will be read with once a week in school. Children are able to change their books on a Friday.
Snacks - Please send your children in with a healthy snack to enjoy at breaktime as the children do not get given snacks in KS2. No crisps or chocolate are allowed at break time.