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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Class Teacher: Miss Ormsby

LSA: Mrs Sanchez and Mrs Bufton


Year 6 Newsletter – Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,


I can’t believe we are already in term 4! Time is flying by and we are officially in the second half of the year! I know this will be a great term with camp and this being our final term before we sit our SATs.


Staff changes:
This term we will be supported by Mrs Sanchez Monday – Wednesday mornings and Mrs Bufton on a Thursday and Friday. They will both be taking groups of children out and doing focused interventions linked to our previous SATS practices. They both have a vast experience in Year 6 SATS and will be beneficial for all, we look forward to working with them in the run up to SATS.


Information Evening

I will host a short Camp and SATs information session straight after school on Wednesday 6th March. It would be great to see you all there but if you are unable to make it I will share the resources/information on the school website.




This term our learning in English will be focused around the book ‘Windrush Child’ By Benjamin Zephaniah and our learning in Topic will be based on the topic of Global Trade. Please see topic web for more information.



Our PE days will change this term to be on a Monday and Thursday each week. Please ensure children come in wearing their correct kit on these days. We will be outdoors so please ensure children are dressed suitably for the Great British weather.  Trainers are only to be worn during PE days.



Children will continue to receive weekly homework, this will rotate between spag and reading, maths and writing. It would be beneficial if children were to complete their homework to help them consolidate learning. Homework will come home on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday.



Thank you for your support,


Miss Ormsby

