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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Class teacher: Miss Fitzgerald

LSA: Mr Smart


Hello and welcome to the Y6 class page, here you will find useful information relating to the class and your child's learning.


Class Information


PE days - Tuesday and Wednesday - Please can the children come in wearing their PE kits on these days and ensure they have their swimming kit for Tuesday. 


Homework, Spellings and Tables - This will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. They will be tested on their spellings and times tables each Friday.  Copies of this term's spelling lists are in the folder below. 


Reading - Please encourage your child to read as often as possible. We are tracking reading in the class so no reading logs need to be completed or returned. They will each be read with once a week in school. 


Snacks - Please send your children in with a healthy snack to enjoy at breaktime as the children do not get given snacks in KS2. No crisps or chocolate are allowed at break time. 




Cricket Coaching - Cool Catchers!
