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Catholic Primary School

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Domestic Abuse

'The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter childhood successfully.'

(Taken from ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2006, HM Government)


At Holy Cross Primary School we fully recognise our roles and responsibilities for child protection. Our children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability. They have a right to be safe in our school. We use consistent, fair and thorough recruitment and selection procedures that aim to deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children and young people and to ensure that those recruited are suitable to work with them. Our Safeguarding policies apply to all staff, governors and volunteers working in our school.


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Jo Kingston. The deputy Safeguarding Leads are Emma Stroud (Assistand Head Teacher), Emily Hunt (SENDCO), Joanna Krzysiek (Pastoral Care Lead) and Brogsn Sims (Admin Manager). Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Angela Serjeant. 


School Safeguarding Procedures

  • If a member of staff has a concern that a child has been mistreated, either physically, emotionally, sexually or by neglect, they must report the matter immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Kingston) or in her absence the Deputy Safeguarding Leads (Miss Stroud, Mrs Hunt, Joanna Krzysiek or Brogan Sims)
  • The member of staff will keep the matter confidential to as few people as need to know. If there is anyone who needs to be informed, the designated teacher will ensure this happens. Confidentiality is crucial.
  • The member of staff will write an accurate record of what has occurred or been noticed and pass a signed and dated copy to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. These records will be filed into a locked drawer in the School office. Information from notes may be passed onto social services and other agencies as required.
  • If the Designated Safeguarding Lead decides to make referral to Social Care or is instructed by Social Care to make a referral, this will be discussed with the family. This will be done as long as such discussion and agreement seeking will not place a child at increased risk of significant harm. We will always contact the Social Care Team for advice if we are unsure about the best way to proceed with any concerns. 
  • The Social Care Department and the Police have a duty to investigate cases of suspected abuse.  As a school we have a duty to co-operate with any such investigation.  This might involve providing information, monitoring the child, or attending a Team Around the Child Meeting or Child Protection Conference.


We have a range of Safeguarding Policies which can be found on our Policy page. 

The launch of the new Counter Terrorism website ‘Act Early’.


The website is aimed at family and friends and to reach out to communities. The purpose of the site is to increase awareness of the signs of radicalisation, where to go for help and support and to increase understanding and confidence in the referral process.


Also being launched is a National Prevent advice line for friends/family/community members to call - 0800 011 3764. This number will be staffed by Prevent teams to ensure the advice being given is appropriate and consistent.


Counter Terrorism Policing South West is supporting the launch, working with partners and police force Corporate Communications teams to promote the site and campaign.  We have been asked to play a part in disseminating these materials in our communities. This is particularly  relevant in this current climate with the impact of Covid 19, social isolation and the rise in hateful extremism online.


If you have any questions please contact me.


Best wishes


Su Coombes


Are you worried about your own or someone else’s child?

Please ring First Response for help or support.

The number is  0117 903 6444



Do you feel unsafe?

You can ring ChildLine 0800 1111

Or First Response 0117 903 6444 and press option 0.
