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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Please make sure that your children's belongings, especially sweatshirts, are labelled clearly.


Welcome to Reception class

Class teacher: Miss Stroud/ Mrs Sanchez (Mon-Wed Pm)

LSA: Miss Merrifield

LSA: Mrs Matthews

Hello and welcome to our class page, here you will find useful information relating to the class and your child's learning.


Class Information


PE Day - Wednesday  - Please can the children come in wearing their PE Kits.


Forest school: Fridays


Reading - Please read with your child as often as possible. I encourage reading and re-reading the books that are sent home as this will really help develop the children's fluency and understanding.  Children will be read with once a week in school. Children are able to change their books when they need. 


Snacks - Snacks are provided for all children under 7, to enjoy at breaktimes. No crisps or chocolate are allowed at break time. 
