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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Please make sure that your children's belongings, especially sweatshirts, are labelled clearly.

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1
Teacher - Mr Kean


Dear Parents and Carers,


Wow – where has the year gone? It seems like only days ago we were welcoming the children in at the beginning of such a big year of transition. They have all taken it in their stride and made such great progress – by the end of the term they will be well and truly ready for the step up into year two.


In term six our topic is “How does your garden grow?” With a specific science and geography focus we will be learning about how plants grow. We will be learning about which countries our fruit and vegetables come from and thinking about the impact of food miles.


Classroom Staff

This term we will have support staff working with specific children on interventions. My PPA time will continue to take place on Wednesday afternoons, during which time the children will have Forest School with Mrs Douglas.


Forest School

As above, the children will be doing forest school every Wednesday for the remainder of the term. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children and one we are extremely fortunate to be able to offer. To ensure the children get the most out of the experience they must be in the correct, weather appropriate, clothing.



If you would like to speak to me during the term, then please do so via the Tapestry or you can book an appointment to speak to me in person. I will respond as quickly as possible. During the term we will be switching to using the Class Dojo platform that any of you with older children in the school will already be familiar with.


Phonics Screening

In the second week of term (w/c 10th June) children will be sitting the Phonics Screening Check.

During the informal test, children will be required to read a mixture of 40 real and nonsense words -using their phonics knowledge to decode and read. It is designed to give teachers and parents information on how each child is progressing and help us to identify any who need extra support. If you have any questions / concerns about the test please come and speak to me.



Please ensure your child is wearing full school uniform on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and that each item is clearly labelled. As the weather gets warmer please could you send children into school with hats for playing outside and a water bottle so that we can all keep properly hydrated.



PE sessions this term will continue to take place on Monday and Thursday afternoons. In line with school policy, the children are expected to come to school on Wednesday and Thursday wearing their PE kits. Their kit should consist of: a white polo, black joggers and black daps.


Attendance and Punctuality

Thank you for supporting us in ensuring that your child is in school and on time. Where possible it is important that children attend school regularly and punctually for the start of the school day.

A reminder that our day starts at 8:55 and collection time is 3:10pm.


Dates for your diary

Tuesday 18th June – Trip to Windmill Hill City Farm

Friday 28th June 9.10am – Year 1 class assembly

Monday 24th June 9.30 am – KS1 Sports Day


Thank you for your continued support, again if you need to contact me or ask me anything then please do so.


Thank you,

Mr Kean
