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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Liturgical Prayer

Family Liturgical Prayer 2024

Mission Statement


‘The Mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful.’ (Pope Francis)


Our Ethos is:

                                                                        God made us all unique

  • To learn, live and grow
  • To show good citizenship to all
  • To be the best we can possibly be
  • Showing Christ’s love in all we do.


Our Core Values are:

  • Here at Holy Cross we are a Catholic family rooted in Gospel values.
  • Offering a safe, learning and nurturing environment within the community where all can grow.
  • Leading the way in faith and prayer.
  • “You are created in the image and likeness of God”. We will celebrate your uniqueness, promoting inclusiveness and dignity.


  • Celebrating cultural diversity and recognising religious diversity through…
  • Respect, tolerance love, justice, compassion, kindness forgiveness, honesty, charity, encouraging happiness, peace and hope.
  • Our curriculum will equip our children to grow and develop fully into the young adults of the future.
  • Striving for continuous improvement, success and achievement for all.
  • Strengthening our local, wider and global family through good citizenship.