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Catholic Primary School

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Celebrations of the Word

Peace Be With You // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

Jesus's friends have heard that the tomb is empty and he has been seen on the road, but they don't know what to believe. Then Jesus stands among them and says "Peace be with you!" He shows them his hands and his feet.

When Jesus' friends arrived at the tomb where Jesus' body had been laid they saw that the stone had been rolled away. They went inside and saw that the tomb was empty, Jesus was not there, he had risen! Greg helps us to celebrate the joy of Easter and imagine this amazing moment on the first Easter morning.

A Grain Of Wheat // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

Jesus Clears the Temple // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

The Little Liturgy helps our younger viewers enter into the presence of Jesus. It's hard to pray when there's lots of noise, especially when it's coming from sheep and cows! In our prayer time, we hear how Jesus went into the Temple in Jerusalem and found it full of sound and busyness.

The Transfiguration // Little Liturgies from the Mark 10 Mission

The Little Liturgy helps our younger viewers enter into the presence of Jesus. This week we walk up a high mountain and see Jesus shining brightly. What a sight! It is wonderful to join Peter, James and John in this dazzling place. This moment on the mountain is called the Transfiguration.

Let's Begin Lent // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

There's a desert in the Mark 10 bag this week. That is because we are beginning the Season of Lent and joining Jesus as he enters that lonely place. We think about why Jesus chose to go into the desert and what we can learn from him.

Saint Paul // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

The Church celebrates the feast day of 'The Conversion of St Paul' at the end of January. In the Little Liturgies, we share the story of St Paul meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul is completely changed after he meets with Jesus. We pray together and meet with the same Jesus in our hearts.

Follow Me! // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

The Feast Of The Epiphany

The Wise Men from the east had crossed mountains and deserts following a star, but who were they looking for? In this Epiphany celebration we join the Wise Men and meet with Jesus in Bethlehem. We spend quiet time by the crib and present our own gifts to Jesus.

Mary and the Angel: The First Week of Advent // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

It's time to begin Advent and we enter into the season with Mary and the Angel Gabriel. Using beautiful figures, we share the moment when Mary received the wonderful news that would change the world forever! Jesus was on his way!

The Ten Bridesmaids // Little Liturgies from The Mark 10 Mission

This week, Jesus shares with us a parable all about bridesmaids and their oil lamps. Some of the bridesmaids have enough oil to keep their lamps burning, others don't have enough. We us the symbol of the lamp and the oil to illustrate to children how God wants to pour his love into their hearts.

Putting other people first isn't always easy but with Jesus by our side we can do it! In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to be humble. He helps us understand how to be humble by pointing out those who weren't humble at all, the pharisees. They loved to show how important they were.
