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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Chaplaincy Team

Prayer groups during Lent

Catholic Social Teaching Term 4: Dignity of the worker

Lenten Fundraisers 2024-Prank the teacher!

Meeting with Deacon Paul on how to support younger children during Lent

Catholic Social Teaching Assembly Term 4: Dignity of Work, Rights of Workers

Prayer club-Every Friday 12.50pm KS1/1pm KS2

Our school chaplaincy team 2023-2024

Chaplaincy Celebration Day November 2023

Chaplaincy Lenten fundraiser 2023

Catholic social teaching in action

Lent 2023:

The Chaplains have been ensuring our school provision is ready for Lent! They have been changing our prayer stations from green from ordinary time, to purple for Lent. We use purple at times of preparation in the Liturgical Calendar. Deacon Paul's vestments will change from green to purple on Ash Wednesday.


They have been organising fundraising for Lent. The teachers will inform parents of these next week. All money raised will go towards CAFOD projects in developing countries.

Leading prayer across the school
