Maths at HolyCross
At Holy Cross, we believe that maths is for everyone and everyone can do maths. No-one should be allowed to believe that they ‘can’t do maths’. Mathematics at Holy Cross is ambitious and meets the National Curriculum standards at the end of each key stage. Pupils will develop their fluency in number facts through precise teaching and develop a strong understanding of the most important mathematical knowledge and skills. Maths lessons will develop pupils’ ability to reason, problem solve and think logically after developing the essential skills in fluency.
For every child to develop a sound understanding of Maths, equipping them with the skills of calculation, reasoning and problem solving that they need in life.
At Holy Cross we have chosen to follow the White Rose scheme of learning. This outlines what objectives we teach, when and gives suggested time scales for topics (However we know and understand that each class will develop at their own paces so time scales can be made shorter or longer depending on the progress of the class) Years 1 - 6 follow the scheme of learning. EYFS use the NCETM mastering number program as the foundation of their number work but is also supplemented with work on shape space and measure.
The daily mathematics lesson has several parts to it, made up of revision activities, core learning activities and review activities with plenty of opportunities for meaningful mini plenaries. Weekly plans show annotations as to how differentiated learning is planned for to meet the needs of the children. Support, Must, Should and Challenge stickers are used to identify levels of work. Each lesson has a mix of oral and mental work, whole class teaching with teachers engaging pupils with clear instructions and effective questioning.
Throughout the week or within units, varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving will all be carried out.
Children will take part in a weekly 'Figure It out Friday' sessions where children will put their reasoning and problem skills to the test! We undertake planned investigative work whenever an open-ended investigation fits into the weekly plan. As part of the figure it out Friday activities, teachers and TA's are deployed in order to work with the lowest 20% of the class in order to re-cap or pre-teach work for the following week in order to ensure that children keep up and make excellent progress.
There are opportunities in lessons for practical work, investigative work, problem solving, computer work, calculator work, consolidation and reinforcement.
In order to ensure our youngest children get off to a brilliant start in mathematics Holy Cross are proud to be part of the NCETM mastering number program. We use this as an additional 10-15 minute maths lesson in the day based on mastering number work.
Through the White rose schemes of learning, knowledge is planned in small steps. We know that children will learn better if information is provided in smaller steps. Small steps planning supports children's ability to maintain and learn knowledge. The white rose planning is systematically built upon in order to recap objectives in order to revisit key skills for example Year 2 cover Addition and subtraction within the autumn terms however will revisit this key skill in Money in order to add amounts and find change. This will allow children to practice skills across topics and enable children to show their mastery over the subject. As a result of planned reasoning and problem solving tasks children will be able to show their understanding and mastery.
Why: Mathematics is a powerful tool. It equips our children with the skills needed in adult life - in the spheres of work and leisure. It is not seen as a subject in isolation, but one taught to complement other areas of the curriculum as children's learning and progress in many subjects often depends on what they know and understand and can do in mathematics. At the same time, these subjects provide a rich source of stimulus and motivation for pupils improving their mathematics skills. Learning is enhanced in both subjects.
The approach to mathematics at Holy Cross reflects the School’s Mission Statement and ethos. It is taught in a way, which makes it challenging, inventive, creative, exploratory and fun whilst still fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum.