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Catholic Primary School

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Ofsted Reports

Ofsted 2023


Holy Cross Primary School had an Ofsted inspection from 16th - 17th May 2023, where we were judged 'Good'. The full report is published on the Ofsted website which you can view by clicking the link below. As part of the visit, lessons and parts of lessons were observed, pupils were observed during assembly, registration, break and lunchtimes. Samples of their work were also inspected. We have included some quotes from the full report below:


"Pupils are proud to attend Holy Cross RC Primary School. They are polite and welcoming, greeting visitors with a smile. Pupils talk confidently about the way in which the school’s values help them to be kind and accepting of others."


"Leaders have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Pupils respond well. They understand the school rules and follow them well, both in and outside the classroom. This starts in the early years where children follow instructions, play well and respect each other."


"Pupils feel safe. Parents agree. Pupils value the positive relationships they have with staff. They say that staff listen to them and are there for them if they need to share any worries."


"Leaders have high expectations for what all pupils can achieve, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They have created an ambitious curriculum that identifies precisely what pupils need to know and when they need to know it, from the early years to Year 6."


"Pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning. The environment in classrooms and around the school is calm and productive. Children in the early years settle into school routines quickly. They are eager to take part in their learning. Children get off to a successful start because of this."


"Leaders ensure that the school’s values underpin its approach to pupils’ personal development. Pupils know what it means to be a good friend. They have a good understanding of fundamental British values, such as respect and tolerance."


"Staff are proud to work at the school. They value the support they receive from leaders, particularly with regards to their well-being and workload."


" Pupils enjoy a wide range of clubs, such as football, art, forest school and cartoon club. They value becoming sports captains, eco-warriors and members of the school council. Pupils say that these roles help them to act as role models to others."


Diocesan Inspection: March 2024



Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. 