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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Food provision - inc FSM

Free School Meals

NB: This does not apply to Universal Free School Meals for Early years and KS1.

Parents in receipt of FSM have been receiving their vouchers from the a scheme the Government has provided called EdenRed.


This time you will receive one voucher for all children in your family rather than individual vouchers for children. These are £15 per week per child, we are ordering two weeks’ worth of vouchers. We will let you know when these have been sent, remember to also check your junk mail. We understand that some parents have had a few issues with some vouchers, please do let us know if this is the case as we can help support you in redeeming the vouchers correctly.  


We understand that this is a financially difficult time for all families and at Holy Cross and we will endeavour to support as many as we can. If you require any support please do contact us, many of our parents have been wonderfully supportive and have continued to donate food items to us. We have the capacity to provide small food packages, if required, and can also refer to various places of support to access food.

Please see below information for support:


If you know of someone in your school community can’t afford or get food please call the We Are Bristol support hotline on 0800 694 0184 open 8.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday and 10am - 2pm Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.
