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Catholic Primary School

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SATS information

SATS information

At the end of Year 2 (May) your children will take part in their statutory assessment tests (SATS). These tests are designed to see at what attainment your child has reached at the end of key stage 1 (KS1). For Maths there are 2 tests, an arithmetic paper and a reasoning paper. The arimetic paper consists of around 40 questions where children will be given a calculation e.g. 2 x 10 or 67 + 34 = and the children will be expected to solve the problem. The reasoning paper expects children to solve real world problems. Below in the following power points there are example questions for each area of Maths that your child will be tested upon including; Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, time, geometry, measurements, data handling and time. 
