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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Taught by Miss Foster

Hello and welcome to the Y2 class page, here you will find useful information relating to the class and your child's learning.


Key Information


PE Days - Monday and Wednesday - Please can the children come in wearing their PE Kits. This includes black/navy joggers or shorts and a white top. No football kits.


Homework, Spellings and Tables - Sent home on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. The spellings and tables test will be the following Friday. Additional resources to support your child's learning can be found on the tabs below. 


Reading - Please bring in books to be changed on a Monday. Children will be read with once a week in school. 


Forest -  Thursday afternoon - Please ensure your child brings wellies, a waterproof coat and a change of clothing as they will go in all weathers.


Please click the links below to access further information.
