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Holy Cross

Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Life and Mission

At Holy Cross, we follow this Mission Statement:


God made us all unique

To learn, live and grow

To show good citizenship to all

To be the best we can possibly be

Showing Christ’s love in all that we do

Catholic Life and Mission at Holy Cross

Look at all the ways we live out our mission in school...

CAFOD Fundraiser Lent 2024

We have managed to raise over £100 for CAFOD with our Prank the Teacher fundraiser! We will add this to the £300 we raised by doing the "Big Lent Walk" bringing our total to over £400, well done everyone! 

And the winner is... Miss Fitzgerald, who will be organising a teachers versus children water fight for the summer term!

Year 3 and 4 Easter Passion Play

Our Lent Walk

During Lent we set ourselves a challenge to complete the CAFOD 'Big Lent Walk' to help fight global poverty. The whole school got involved and we managed to walk a whopping 200.92km during Lent, raising an impressive £300!

If you would like to donate, please see the link below; 


Advent service led by the Chaplains December 1st 2023

Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Holy Family 2023

This is "Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Holy Family 2023" by Clifton Diocese on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


1.1 How well pupils understand, value and contribute to the school’s Catholic life and mission.

  • “Catholic life and the pupils’ contribution to it are becoming a real strength of the school.” Section 48 March 2017
  • The pupils can articulate the impact that the prayer life of the school has on their view of life and their relationship with others, understanding the links between faith and action, reflected also in British values. Their own composed prayers are relevant and heart-felt.“
  • “Pupils  can  articulate  the  distinctive  nature  of  the  school.” Section 48 March 2017


1.2 Pupil voice-mission of the school in everyday life

Pupils’ sense of worth

  • Almost all pupils show a deep respect for themselves and others as made in the image and likeness of God. “They accept and flourish in an atmosphere of faith and spirituality.” Section 48 March 2017


1.3 In proportion to their years they show an ability to listen, to give thanks, to forgive and be forgiven. They are quick to congratulate others.

  • A very positive ethos pervades the school. Pupils show respect for each other, and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted well. Pupils are well prepared to take on their role as citizens in modern Britain.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017
  • “Staff continually promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The school community embraces its values of love, kindness, respect, cultural diversity and citizenship.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017
  • “Pupils enjoy coming to school and show this through their polite and cheerful natures.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017
  • “The school provides pupils with a vast range of opportunities to expand their social development.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017


1.4 The children reflect a commitment to Catholic social teaching, to care for the environment and to the dignity of every human person.

  • Termly assemblies led by JK to introduce CST principal focus. Teachers have been given written feedback to ensure CST focus is explicit in floor-books each term.
  • Floor books, pupil voice, and wall displays reflect the children’s knowledge and understanding of CST and how they respond to this in the wider context.
  • The past two years, they children have visited Monica Wills at Christmas time to deliver Christmas cards and the residents responded with letters sharing life experiences. This year, the choir joined them.


1.5 The behaviour of almost all pupils is exemplary at all times.

  • “Pupils are well behaved in lessons and around the school.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017
  • “Staff continually promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The school community embraces its values of love, kindness, respect, cultural diversity and citizenship.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017
  • “Pupils enjoy coming to school and show this through their polite and cheerful natures.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017
  • “The school provides pupils with a vast range of opportunities to expand their social development.” Ofsted inspection report November 2017



1.6 Almost all pupils highly value the school’s chaplaincy provision. 

  • “The chaplaincy  team now take  the lead in  promoting  the  prayer  life  of  the  school,  and  are  developing  the  skills  of  planning  and  organising  their  own  liturgies.” Section 48 March 2017
  • “The chaplains have set up  striking  prayer  stations  around  the school inviting interaction from all the pupils to write a prayer or take a prayer card.”  Section 48 March 2017
  • The chaplains lead services on Harvest, Advent, Lent and refugees, share the journey, prayer stations, leaders in faith awards, Class chaplains leading weekly Collective worships, Lent Rosary, The year of Prayer and Mission, meeting Chaplains from around the Diocese, being commissioned by the Bishop, Mission Together, fundraising throughout the liturgical year.
  • Pupils take leadership roles and actively participate in the opportunities provided by the school, such as visits and retreats.
  • "Older pupils increasingly take on a range of responsibilities. They look after the younger children, and they are alert to the needs of others. They were also involved in the recent  Vision  review  of  the  school’s  mission  and  their  feedback  helps  the  school  to  make  improvements." Section 48 March 2017


1.7 Almost all pupils embrace a holistic approach to education, have a profound understanding of what it means to have a vocation and they joyfully offer their gifts in the service of others.

  • “Pupils  can  articulate  the  distinctive  nature  of  the  school.” Section 48 March 2017


1.8 Almost all pupils are confident in expressing pride in their own religious and cultural identity and beliefs.

  • “Pupils  have  a  genuine  respect  for  those  from  different  backgrounds.  This  is  due  to  a  growing understanding of different  faiths, which they have studied and reflected on in  RE. There is a real sense of belonging and respect for others, regardless of faith or none,  and this is an outstanding aspect of this warm, inclusive school. ” Section 48 March 2017


1.9 Almost all pupils embrace the demands that membership of the school community entails.

  • As a result, they take a leading role in those activities which promote the school’s Catholic Life and mission both within school and in the wider community.They are alert to the needs of others and seek justice for all within and beyond the school community. “They  play an  important  role  in  raising money  for  charities  both  locally  and globally.”  Section 48 March 2017

